Equine Physio

What To Expect...

We offer mobile services to allow your horse to be treated on the yard where they may feel more comfortable. Due to the demands of ridden work, routine checks allow the detection and treatment of any issues before they become a major problem. Each appointment will start with an assessment, followed by physiotherapeutic treatment. Exercises will be given to you to complete between sessions to optimise beneficial effects. Each element will be demonstrated to you to ensure you are confident with it. Dependent on the case, time between appointments may vary from weekly, fortnightly or monthly which will be determined during the first visit

Would my horse benefit from physio?

Physiotherapy can be utilised for every horse including happy hackers, field companions and performance horses. Some animals may not show any clinical symptoms and will benefit from the generalised effects of physiotherapy, whereas others may show signs that indicate they may need treatment:

  • Lameness, crookedness and/or stiffness

  • Behavioural changes such as bucking

  • Pain reactions especially when tacking up

  • Muscle wastage/ asymmetry

  • Lack of impulsion and engagement

  • Reduced sporting performance

  • Reluctance to exercise, jump or transition

  • Uneven shoe wear, saddle slip or head shaking

  • Shortening of strides or incorrect canter lead

Common Conditions Addressed

Conditions can arise at anytime within your horses life and it is integral that these are dealt with to reduce any pain or discomfort to improve their quality of life. Common conditions often addressed with physiotherapy can include:


  • Bone spavin

  • Sacroiliac joint disease

  • Kissing spine

  • Soft tissue injury

  • Arthritis

  • Locking stifle

  • Navicular syndrome

  • Post-surgical intervention

  • Tenosynovitis/ tendonitis

  • Muscular asymmetries

  • Muscle strains

  • Obesity

  • Back problems

  • Sacroilliac conditions

  • Kissing spines

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Bone spavin

  • Ringbone

  • Sidebone

  • Navicular

  • Check ligament sprains

  • Collateral ligament damage

  • Proximal suspensory desmitis

  • Superficial digital flexor tendon injury

  • Deep digital flexor tendon injury

  • Wounds that are unable to be sutured; are dirty or infected; or post-operative.

  • sss

  • Reducing scar tissue

  • Splints

  • Fractures

  • Bucked shins

  • Haematomas

  • Bite or kick injuries

  • Mud fever

  • Laminitis

  • Exertional Rhabdomyolysis or “tying up”

  • Stifle injuries

  • Locking stifles

  • Tightness in the poll

  • Post-surgical rehabilitation

  • Postnatal physiotherapy and massage

  • Nerve injuries

  • Behaviour changes

  • Rider related issues

  • Low grade lameness